Volunteering at Cleland Wildlife Park

Our volunteers are invaluable. They help to conserve our park’s beautiful natural surrounds and assist in the care of our animals. Often our volunteers are working hard behind the scenes, while at other times they are the public face of Cleland – either way, their work never goes unnoticed by the staff and the many local, interstate and international guests that visit the park.

Volunteering at Cleland Wildlife Park provides an awesome opportunity to learn new skills, meet new friends and make a difference to the Park and broader community.

Our volunteer programs attract a very diverse age group, and everyone can contribute according to their abilities. While we love youth and enthusiasm, please note that this program is only available to those who are 18 years old and over, and there is no animal handling involved.

Find out more about our volunteer program, roles and requirements, and fill in an application.

Tree Planting

Did you know that koalas consume 10% of their body weight in leaves each day! For this reason, we are expanding our gum plantation sites. These seedlings have been donated, and we are looking for volunteers to help put them into the ground! If you would like to help, please see the details below:

Planting on 30th and 31st of July and the 1st of August
What to expect: We will be planting trees, over three days and hope to finish around 2:30 pm on each day.

Location: Langhorne Creek. Exact provided in confirmation email.

What to bring: Please dress for the weather; a chair; gardening gloves; a snack and drinking water.

Register your interest: Please let us know if you can come along to any tree planting days. You will receive a confirmation email.

RSVP to dew.cwpvolunteers@sa.gov.au

Cleland Blitz

The Cleland Blitz is an annual community volunteer day, where families (including supervised children) and individuals can roll up their sleeves and get back to nature. Activities can include cleaning up our kangaroo paddocks (raking, weeding and clearing debris), maintaining our pathways and garden beds, re-mulching enclosures, and pruning / planting native vegetation.

The Blitz is held annually in Autumn, and is advertised through the Cleland Wildlife Park Facebook page close to the date.

For more information please contact our Coordinator of Volunteers: