The Southern Paddock is temporarily closed to support the recovery of some of our kangaroos and wallabies. As a result, the Koala Perch experience is unavailable.

Find out more.

Conditions of Entry


By purchasing tickets or entering Cleland Wildlife Park you are agreeing to and acknowledge that you understand the below information and conditions:

Tickets & Entry

Visitors must comply with relevant legal requirements including the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 and National Parks and Wildlife (National Parks) Regulations 2016.

Admission ticket includes access to all public access areas, Daily Keeper Talks and any additional attractions except pay per use facilities and other visitor experiences.

Tickets are valid for one use on the date selected upon purchase. All ticket sales are final and non-refundable. Refunds will not be paid for non-attendance.

Entry is only granted on presentation and redemption of a ticket. Tickets, vouchers, and passes must be original, display an expiry date and be presented prior to that date. Photo ID, matching signatures, credit card proof of purchase and relevant concession cards are required on request.

Tickets cannot be transferred, resold or redeemed for cash. Prices are subject to change without notice.

Children under 15 years must be accompanied at all times by a paying and supervising adult or concession ticket holder.

Equipment that may interfere with pedestrian traffic or animal welfare is not permitted in the park and includes but is not limited to scooters, skateboards, bicycles, roller blades, balls, kites, frisbees, laser lights, party accessories (for example balloons, streamers, poppers and confetti) water pistols, whistles and audio equipment such as music players and musical instruments.

Footwear and clothing must be worn at all times.

No alcohol or illegal drugs may be brought into Cleland Wildlife Park. Visitors may be refused entry or evicted from Cleland Wildlife Park if NPWS staff reasonably suspect that they are adversely affected by drugs or alcohol.

Smoking, vaping and using any electronic device that simulates tobacco smoking is prohibited in the park.

No glassware or sharp objects may be brought into Cleland Wildlife Park.

Clothing displaying obscene, foul, profane language, images or symbols is not permitted.

Due to quarantine requirements, and the nature of free-range native animals on site, no animals may be brought within Cleland Wildlife Park.

Vehicles are parked at your own risk. Please ensure that vehicles are secured and no valuable items are left in vehicles.

Guests are responsible for their own personal property, and Cleland Wildlife Park will not be held responsible for any loss or damage.

The operation of some experiences may be affected by adverse weather conditions or maintenance activity.

No refunds are issued due to inclement weather, animals resting or sleeping or exhibits being closed.

If Cleland Wildlife Park is closed to the public because of any event outside of the control of Cleland Wildlife Park (such as pandemic or unsafe weather conditions), then refunds shall be at the park’s absolute discretion.

NPWS reserves the right to refuse entry or remove visitors for failure to comply with the conditions of entry into Cleland Wildlife Park, failure to follow safety instructions, failure to properly supervise children, queue jumping, and any unlawful or offensive behaviour.

Photography, Videography & Audio

The carriage and use of drones or other remotely piloted aircraft is prohibited in the park.

Filming or taking photographs for commercial purposes is prohibited, unless expressly approved under Regulation 36(a) of the National Parks and Wildlife (National Parks) Regulations 2016.

Cleland Wildlife Park is fitted with security cameras for the purpose of monitoring the safety of guests, staff and animals. Guests may be filmed in any area of the park.

NPWS staff may take photographs of visitors at any time for security purposes.

The use of image recording devices is not permitted in any change room or bathroom facility. Please report any incidents to staff immediately.

Interacting with Animals & Exploring the Park

Guests are not permitted to behave in a way that is likely to cause disruption, nuisance or offence to other persons or animals.

Only animal food purchased from Cleland Wildlife Park may be offered to free-ranging animals. For the safety and welfare of animals no other food may be fed to any animal.

Published times of shows, attractions, tours and experiences may vary.

No part of the body, or items such as cameras, sticks, selfie sticks or umbrellas, are to be extended into exhibits at any time.

When in any free-range animal area, guests are to walk at all times and approach animals in a quiet manner. Free-range animals are not to be held or restrained at any time or for any reason. Our animals must be free to move away from guests at all times, and must never be chased.

Guests may not interfere with any animals, plants, nests or habitats, or be in any exhibits or any area that is closed to the public.

We have weather policies for the welfare of our animals that can be initiated at any time, and which may require animals to be taken off exhibit or unable to be utilised in animal visitor interactions.

Additional booking conditions apply for all purchased experiences.

We thank you for following our conditions of entry and general visitor information. Your support is appreciated.